
A Coventry City library card is required to borrow books and use the computers. You can join Coventry City libraries by completing a form at our library or by applying online.

Find out more about joining.

Services at our library

Books to borrow

We have all sorts of fiction and non-fiction books including thrillers, crime, romance, quick read novels, graphic novels, large print novels, biographies, poetry, cooking, gardening, health, self-help etc. For a full list of our books, you can view the online catalogue.

Reference-only books

Dictionaries, atlases, homework reference books, ESOL learning resources, Life in the UK test resources etc.

Audio books

Free loan to under 16s and people with visual impairments. You can also borrow e-audio books using the BorrowBox app.

Children’s library

We have hundreds and hundreds of fiction and non-fiction books: picture books, early readers, staged readers, teenage and young adult books. We also run various events over the school term and holidays.

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

Return a book

You can return books borrowed from any Coventry City library to our self-service machine or to the volunteers at the counter.

Renew a book

You can renew a book from any Coventry City library at our counter, or use our self-service machine, or renew online, or make a telephone request. Call us during our opening hours on 024 7678 6966 or call Central Library on 024 7683 1999. You will need your library card number, your PIN and a pen to write the new due back date in the book.

Find out more about renewals

Reserve a book

For a small fee you can reserve a book from another Coventry City library and have it delivered to us. We are not able to order inter-library loans, but you can order these from Central Library or use the Request a book service.

IT facilities 

  • free Wi-fi – connect your own device
  • six PCs – library members can book a session (see booking terms)
  • free Computer Help Drop in sessions
  • mono photocopying – charges apply
  • A4 printing – mono, 30p per page; colour, £1.15 per page
  • scanning