The Big Clean Up group is an initiative from resident Jonathan Wing, Friends & Neighbours in Cheylesmore ward in Coventry, calling everybody, everywhere to get out litter picking and cleaning up our environment bit by bit. It all started when Jonathan discovered a fox cub with a plastic Bottle stuck on its head last year at the back of his house. 
It was difficult but finally rescuers were able to remove it and the animal was saved .

More than two million pieces of litter are dropped in the UK every day. The cost to the taxpayers for street cleaning is over £1 billion a year. Litter is anything from a crisp packet or cigarette butt to a bag of rubbish. We would like to see a change in our environment, make our neighbourhood cleaner and help motivate others in other places to do the same. 

We are very delighted with the group growing quickly and glad for you to be spreading the word. The more who join, the quicker our surroundings will be cleaner!

We currently litter pick every Sunday and sometimes mid week too. To find out more see our Facebook group Big Clean Up. (Link direct to group)

General Information

  • When: Sunday, from 11.00
  • Where: Meet at Cheylesmore Community Centre
  • Mobile: 07942153192